Mar 26, 2017
Lebanon’s prospects: Economic impasse or opportunity for reform?
Lebanon’s prospects: Economic impasse or opportunity for reform?
Reaction to the IMF 2016 Article IV Consultation in Lebanon Monetary and fiscal policies are key instruments for economic policy in general. They reflect an intended economic model and the sought type of growth. Both policies are interlinked and complementary, they could not be treated in isolation. In the Lebanese context, these economic instruments have been used in a very conservative manner. This…
Mar 19, 2017
Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations on the Withdrawal of the ESCWA Report on Palestine
Feb 23, 2017
Outcome Document of the EuroMed civil-society initiative on the Structured Dialogue with the European Union
Feb 14, 2017
Policy Brief: Monitoring SDGs - Goal 1
Feb 12, 2017
Why we reject the NGO draft law in Egypt?
Jan 25, 2017
Input for EBRD Consultation on Egypt Draft Country Strategy
Jan 04, 2017
Policy position by Arab CSOs during the Advocacy Week to European Institutions 2016
Dec 31, 2016
Report of the Civil Society forum in Brussels
Dec 25, 2016
Report of the Study Week on Macro-economic, Trade and Investment Policies
Dec 09, 2016
ANND statement on the Migration Partnership Framework
Dec 08, 2016
ANND Input for the Public Consultation on Revising the European Consensus on Development
Dec 07, 2016
Arab CSOs Advocacy Week to European Institutions 2016
Nov 15, 2016
Egyptian Civil Society Fights Back Against New Associations Law