Dec 17, 2014

Impact of IMF Austerity Policies on Social Protection
Impact of IMF Austerity Policies on Social Protection - Click here to read the full reportDr. Mohammed Said al-Saadi, Research Professor in Political Economy The International Monetary Fund (IMF) plays an influential role in formulating the economic and social policies of member countries, often with direct consequences on the livelihood of their populations, particularly limited-income and poor…
Feb 02, 2014

Arab uprisings and Social Justice, implications of IMF subsidy reform policies
Oct 01, 2013

IMFs Trade and Investment related advice to Arab countries: Trends and implications
May 06, 2013

The EIPR released a report, “The Illusion Dispelled – Egypt's Economic Crisis: Causes - Alternatives - Remedies”
Sep 01, 2012