Feb 09, 2012
Letter by Civil Society Groups from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, and other Arab Countries
Letter by Civil Society Groups from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, and other Arab Countries
The Proposed ‘Deep Free Trade Agreements’ by the EU Could Represent a Backlash Against Democratic Transition Processes in the Arab Region
Jan 03, 2012
Joint Statement on Human Rights Conditions in Bahrain
Nov 11, 2011
Key Demand Raised by a Number of Civil Society Groups from the Arab region In the Course of the Effectiveness of Aid
Nov 01, 2011
Contribution to the Zero Draft Document Rio+20
Oct 18, 2011
“More For More” As the EU’s Response to the Arab Spring : A Letter From Civil Society Groups In The Arab Region To EU Officials
Aug 09, 2011
Submission from the ANND on Selected Questions from the Public Consultation on a New Trade and Development Communication
Jun 27, 2011
Statement from the Delegation of Civil Society Groups from 7 Arab countries visiting the European Institutions
Jun 08, 2011
“EU development policy in support of inclusive growth and sustainable development: Increasing the impact of EU development policy”
May 27, 2011
Egyptian and Tunisian People Revolted against Unjust Economic Models Aid Supporting the People’s Revolutions should not Restrict the Democratic Transition
Apr 01, 2011
Civil Society Reaction to the Joint Communication “A Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity”
Mar 03, 2011
Advocacy Letter
Feb 22, 2011
Advocacy Letter in Regards to the High Level International Meeting On The Situation in MENA Countries
Jan 07, 2011
Message from Civil Society Organizations To the Arab Economic and Social Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh (2011)