ANND Staff union Includes:
1. All those who fall under ANND's employment shall be considered members of the Union:
2. Officers in charge of ANND's administrative divisions shall not have the right to join the Union and are only allowed to vote on the members of the committee.
3. ANND's Executive Director is considered a staff member in their relation with the Coordination Office.
4. In the current situation and given the small number of workers in ANND, all staff members shall elect a representative Union Committee composed of 3 members for one year, renewable twice at most.
5. The three-member Union Committee shall be composed of workers mentioned in Paragraph 1 of Article 1, except those covered under Paragraph 2.
6. The Union Committee shall meet at least once every three months and according to need.
7. The Union Committee shall address the Executive Director and Coordination Office in matters related to workers› rights whenever there is a need.
8. The Union Committee shall elect a chair for one year, renewable.
9. The Chair of the Union Committee.
10. The Union Committee shall participate in monitoring commitment to the Code of Conduct and Protection Policy, according to the latter's mechanisms.