Sep 24, 2021
In The Global Week 2021 to #Act4SDGs - Messages from Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco.

Tunisia - Tunisian Association of Democratic Women:

Women, alongside the youth, by choosing to place themselves on the path of struggle and resistance, are the real forces of change against the corrupt, patriarchal and backward systems hostile to rights and freedoms. There is no democracy without women’s rights and freedoms, and there can be no social justice without real equality, dignity and a fair distribution of wealth throughout society. 

A comprehensive development approach must be aimed at promoting equality, social justice, equal opportunities for women and marginalized regions, respect for national sovereignty and the guarantee of wealth and well-being for vulnerable groups. 

 We call for the development of a strategy to fight against the feminization of poverty.

Towards this goal, it is vital to revise legislation that excludes women from wealth and decent jobs and hence reduces their chances of accessing investment and financing opportunities. To reduce poverty of women in Tunisia, we must have equality in inheritance in order to ensure women's access to property and land. 

Egypt - New Women Foundation

In order to achieve social justice and sustainable development, the mere eradication of poverty will not bear fruit and become effective unless it is done in parallel to ensuring the full enjoyment of health, education rights and infrastructure services for all. This requires increasing the allocations in national budgets and sustainable development plans , taking into account standards of quality and availability, accessibility and affordability.

We call for adoption of a sustainable development approach aiming at empowering people. Sustainable development cannot be achieved with a charity approach.

With regard to the environment and the planet, it must be a global action, with common but shared responsibilities recognized. This collective approach requires awareness, reducing emissions, using renewable energy differently and rationalizing the consumption of non-renewable energy.

Morocco - Espace Associative 

What we need today in the time of the pandemic and its repercussions for a participatory contract that responds to the aspirations of male and female citizens to achieve social justice that enshrines equality in rights and in access to resources and opportunities for all. Social justice is an essential pillar for achieving peace and social cohesion, its principles must be adopted in development policies and programs in order to achieve a just and cohesive society.

Establishing tax justice is considered one of the most important ways to advance social justice through the adoption of a fair and equitable tax system. The tax system can be an important lever that provides data and information about the economic model adopted by each country, and it can also guide and frame political and economic choices and shape the relationship between citizens and public institutions at the national and local levels. In this context, we aspire to establish a tax system based on respect for the principles of transparency, harmony, fairness and governance, and promote gender equality and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in order to achieve social justice and break with the rentier state and the state of spoils on the horizon of laying the foundations of the social and democratic state.

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