Feb 18, 2024
Sub-Granting Policy

Sub-Granting Policy – Please click here to download the file.
Sub-granting is a mechanism through which the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) collaborates with other entities to achieve certain activities and/or tasks. The sub-granting policy outlines the guidelines and procedures governing the distribution of funds to subgrantees.
This policy encompasses all areas including programs and finance, and ensures a fair, accountable and transparent approach to the sub-granting mechanism within ANND.
ANND commits to conducting all sub-granting activities in compliance with Lebanese laws where ANND is officially registered, as well as other international and human rights principles.
3.1. Human Rights-Based Approach:
ANND is committed to upholding a Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) throughout the sub-granting process. This involves integrating human rights principles, such as dignity, equality, non-discrimination, participation, and accountability into the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all sub-grant activities.
3.2. Capacity Building:
ANND recognizes the importance of enhancing the capacities of subgrantees. The organization will actively support capacity-building initiatives to strengthen the capabilities of entities receiving sub-grants.
3.3 Sustainability:
ANND emphasizes the integration of sustainable practices within sub-grant activities. Subgrantees are encouraged to adopt environmentally and socially responsible approaches, contributing to long-term positive impacts.
3.4 Collaborative Learning:
ANND values collaborative learning and knowledge exchange. Subgrantees are encouraged to share insights, best practices and lessons learned, fostering a community of learning within the network.
3.5 Adaptability:
Recognizing the dynamic nature of development work, ANND commits to an adaptable sub-granting process. Flexibility in approaches and an openness to adjusting strategies based on evolving contexts will be prioritized.
3.6 Ethical Partnerships:
ANND is dedicated to establishing ethical partnerships with subgrantees. This involves transparent communication, respect for local contexts and a commitment to principles of integrity and fairness.
3.7 Inclusivity:
ANND is committed to gender mainstreaming as well as inclusion of youth and other marginalized groups in sub-grant activities. Subgrantees are encouraged to incorporate gender-sensitive and participatory approaches to ensure the active inclusion and engagement of marginalized groups.
4.1 Eligibility criteria
In addition to the specific eligibility requirements for each program or project, entities eligible for sub-granting must demonstrate alignment with ANND’s mission, strategy, and a commitment to the above-mentioned principles.
4.2 Application process and selection process
a. ANND will launch a call for proposals or applications, in line with this policy and with the specific requirements of the program or project at hand.
b. Interested entities must submit the full proposal or application in accordance with the requirements, which may also include project and budget proposals, legal and other supporting documents.
c. The selection committee will evaluate applications/proposals based on a predetermined set of criteria. The selection committee is composed of roughly three people from ANND staff, members and/or partners who are familiar with this policy. It may also include other partners from the project at hand, if the project requirements entail so.
d. The evaluation criteria are set and determined before the beginning of the evaluation process. These criteria are adapted to the project and its objectives, and are based on a clear and transparent scoring system. They ought to be shared among partners to ensure a transparent and fair evaluation process.
e. Decisions (approval or disapproval) on applications/projects received will be communicated to applicants in a timely manner.
4.3 Contractualization
a. ANND will enter into agreement with entities whose application/project has been approved through an official and legal agreement/contract prepared by ANND.
b. The agreement/contract shall include the following sections: context, validity and termination of the contract, activities, reporting documents, amount of the sub-grant, number and conditions of payments, conflict resolution mechanisms, date and signatures. 
c. Subgrantees are expected to comply with the terms and conditions of the subgrant agreement/contract, as well as with other potential project related terms and conditions such as intellectual property and data rights, communications kits and disclaimers.
d. Payments are preferably made in two or three batches, in line with the deliverables and depending on the amount and project requirements. 
4.4 Reporting requirements
a. Subgrantees must submit narrative and financial reports according to one, the reporting guidelines and templates provided by ANND and two, frequency and schedule outlined in the subgrant agreement/contract.
b. Reports should include details on activities conducted, outcomes achieved, challenges faced and lessons learned.
4.5 Termination of the subgrant
a. Circumstances under which a subgrant may be terminated are outlined in the subgrant agreement/contract.
b. ANND will develop clear exit strategies to ensure the responsible use of remaining funds and the smooth conclusion of subgrant activities.
4.6 Communication and monitoring
a. ANND will maintain open lines of communication with subgrantees through the (senior) program officer.
b. Through the (senior) program officer and other staff members, ANND is committed to provide coaching, technical assistance and support to the subgrantees when needed.
c. Through the (senior) program officer, ANND will constantly monitor the activities of the subgrantees according to its Monitoring and Evaluation framework and tools.

This sub-granting policy is subject to periodic review and revision to ensure its alignment with ANND’s objectives and evolving needs, as well as its continued relevance and effectiveness.
Please click here to download the file.

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