Jun 14, 2014
Comments on the SDGs zero draft
Comments on the SDGs zero draft
The following document summarizes comments made by Arab Civil Society representatives and other relevant experts (ILO, ESCWA) on the SDGs zero draft. The latters were gathered between the 14th and 16th of June 2014 in a regional forum in Beirut, organized by ANND, ARADO, ESCWA with the support of the Ford Foundation and the Dag Hammarskjold foundation1
May 16, 2014
Apr 30, 2014
OWG inches closer to human rights for all post-2015, but still a long road ahead
Apr 01, 2014
Joint Statement by Civil Society Groups from the Arab region
Jan 12, 2014
Letter to Mr. Bernd Lange; Member of the European Parliament
Dec 19, 2013
Statement issued by the ANND in solidarity with the "Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights"
Dec 04, 2013
Statement by the Arab NGO Network for Development regarding the decision of “The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (KLWCT)” to Condemn Israel and War Criminals
Dec 03, 2013
Salute to Mr. Raji Sourani for Receiving an Alternative Nobel Prize
Nov 27, 2013
PNGO and Human Rights Organizations Calls for Immediately Ending Suffering of Civilians Due to Electricity Outages
Nov 11, 2013
Egypt to answer to UN body for ongoing social rights crisis - Press Release
Nov 08, 2013
Statement by a Delegation of Arab CSOs After an Advocacy Visit to the European Union
Sep 30, 2013
Solidarity Statement with Human Rights Defenders in Sudan
Sep 19, 2013
ANND Statement on Human Rights Condition In Bahrain