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Sep 17, 2024
August 2024 Newsletter
Sep 10, 2024
Ten Years after the Genocide: Does Iraq Need a National Dialogue on Transitional Justice? - Dr. Saad Salloum
Sep 10, 2024
Sudanese Civil Society: Multiple Roles and Ongoing Challenges - Madani Abbas Madani
Sep 10, 2024
Social Dialogue in Tunisia is Contingent on Resuming Democratic Transition - Salaheddine El Jourchi
Sep 10, 2024
On Dialogue: Players or Pawns? - Yousri Mostafa
Sep 10, 2024
National Dialogue in Egypt: A Missed Opportunity - Dr. Nivine Obeid
Sep 10, 2024
Dialogue for Dialogue's Sake: The Tragedy of Social Dialogues in the Arab Region - Adib Nehmeh
Sep 10, 2024
Challenges facing dialogues in conflict-affected settings: The case of Yemen - Salma Ahmed
Sep 10, 2024
Civil Society Welcomes Progress Towards a UN Tax Convention
Sep 10, 2024
When climate disasters overthrow social and development gains - Habib Maalouf
Sep 02, 2024
Validation Workshop Report: Meeting to Develop an Initial Advocacy Plan on Social Protection in Lebanon
Sep 02, 2024
Report of the Civil Society National Consultation on Social Protection in Lebanon
Aug 01, 2024
July Newsletter 2024
Jul 30, 2024
The Kafala System in Lebanon: Between Slavery and Domestic Labor Trafficking
Jul 30, 2024
Water rights in Palestine: Unfair Israeli Practices
Jul 30, 2024
Water Security in Jordan and Future Generations
Jul 30, 2024
The Burden of Yesterday: Future Generations and the Climate Crisis
Jul 30, 2024
Between Challenges and Opportunities: The Journey of Ecofeminism in Lebanon
Jul 30, 2024
The duality of international humanitarian law against unipolarity
Jul 30, 2024
Israel exacerbates the climate change crisis and threatens the lives of citizens in Southern Lebanon
Jul 30, 2024
Sustainable Development in Relation to Youth Engagement in Civic Affairs
Jul 01, 2024
June Newsletter 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Climate Justice and Gender Inclusion in Africa – Wilifrida Sisti John
Jun 30, 2024
Debt Repayment and Social Justice: A Balancing Act - Gracia Ndanatsei Mashingaidze
Jun 30, 2024
Decolonize and Democratize: The Urgent Need to Radically Transform the International Economic Architecture – Ayoub Menzli
Jun 30, 2024
The Global Capitalist Crisis and Africa’s Future - Mwaura Kaara
Jun 30, 2024
The Global Financial System is Out of Sync with Development: Evidence from Tunisia - Rawan Al Gharib
Jun 30, 2024
The Role of China in African Development – Luqman Jama
Jun 30, 2024
“Transparency without Participation” Phenomenon in the Resource-Rich Post-Soviet States - Dr. Kenan Aslanli
Jun 21, 2024
The repercussions of the war on Gaza on freedom of opinion and expression in the Arab region
Jun 05, 2024
Civic Space in Algeria at the beginning of 2024: Legislative and Political Challenges Restricting All Freedoms
Jun 05, 2024
Brief Overview of Civic Space in Bahrain in Light of the War on Gaza
Jun 05, 2024
Civil Society in Egypt and the War on Gaza
Jun 05, 2024
Civic Space in Iraq and the War on Gaza: Civil Society Besieged
Jun 05, 2024
Jordanian Civil Society's Efficacy Is Met with More Restrictions
Jun 05, 2024
Morocco: Strikes Dominate the First Third of the Year
Jun 05, 2024
Civic Space in Sudan - Overview - first half of 2024
Jun 05, 2024
The War on Gaza's Repercussions on Civic Space in Yemen
Jun 03, 2024
May Newsletter 2024
May 28, 2024
UPR Lebanon - Mid Term Report - Civil Society Report
May 14, 2024
The Prospects Of Return After 13 Years Of Displacement - Dr. Khalil Gebara
May 14, 2024
The Labor Code in Lebanon: Social Security after the Crisis
May 02, 2024
Gender Equality in Yemen
May 01, 2024
April Newsletter 2024
Apr 08, 2024
Fiscal Policy, Price Levels, and Wages in Selected Arab Countries ‪-‬ Dr. Nasser Abdel Karim
Apr 08, 2024
Poverty and Inequality in Arab Countries: Reality and Policies
Apr 02, 2024
March Newsletter 2024
Mar 27, 2024
A History of Dutch Disease: Can Lebanon Get the Better of It?
Mar 18, 2024
ANND Annual Report 2023
Mar 07, 2024
Outcome document - Regional Meeting for Civil Society on Sustainable Development